A unique know-how in the field of Data!
Thanks to our Business Intelligence offer, we collect information within a company to model it and present it in the form of an indicator. This helps you to make accurate decisions and optimise your business!

Optimisation of your activities via
Business Intelligence, EPM and Big Data

With our Data Business Intelligence service, you can benefit from customised tools for your company. You will be able to accelerate and improve your decision making, optimise your internal business processes, increase operational efficiency and generate new revenues, and gain competitive advantages over your competitors.

Business Intelligence Lojelis

Business Intelligence

A true decision support system for the business, sales, marketing and finance verticals, BI allows you to collect, integrate, analyse and present your company's information quickly.

EPM lojelis


A set of business practices, processes and tools, Enterprise Performance Management allows you to better plan and evaluate your strategic objectives and easily monitor their tactical execution.

big data lojelis

Big Data

You receive a large amount of data, at a high speed and with a variety of information. Together with you, we build tools to channel this data and make it easy for you to exploit.

service personnalisé

A tailor-made and customisable service

Following a methodology based on our experience, our technical and functional consultants will be able to:
Thanks to a precise analysis of your internal processes, the tool will be able to automate planning activities, accelerate your decision-making, and improve your internal processes daily.
In accordance with your business needs and market specificity, we develop and implement a technological solution that will meet your evolutionary needs.
Improving the performance of existing applications via an audit and transparent support based on advice and optimisation of your solutions, your Business Intelligence project will make you more competitive.

Mastery of the most widely used tools and languages on the market

Thanks to our partnership with Oracle, Shuttle and SAP, we can offer you a Business Intelligence project that meets your expectations.


With expertise in Talend, DataStage, MicroStrategy, Pentaho, Power BI and Microsoft BI, our consultants can deploy powerful tools in any environment, accurately analysing your data to make it clear and understandable, thereby reducing many of the risks to your business.


Strong expertise in computer languages to develop innovative solutions: Hadoop, Spark, R, Python.

maitrise des langages informatiques

Do you have any questions?
Are you interested in our Data Business Intelligence service?

Fill in the contact form below and our consultants will answer you as soon as possible!